The path to good health starts with sound health knowledge. Globira Medical Services
provides corporate physical and general employment physical examinations through
our Corporate Health Program to meet your company's specific needs. We offer
convenient, comprehensive health exams and screenings. These are a cost-effective
way to keep your employees healthy and reduce the risk of long-term leave related
to disability, illness or medical problems.
Why should we Care about Employee Health
• Employee's overall health including physical and psychological wellness affects
his work
• Health checkup improves productivity and efficiency of employee
• Session on fooding, what food we should consume for better heatlh
• Helps improve employee morale and loyalty
• Health check would reduce absenteeism and will increase productivity
Best Part of our service:-
All health results are held in strictest confidence according to guidelines set
by the Act. Results will only be released at the request of the employee.
For More Information
To learn more about our programs and services, call:
PH:- 8510095330